Low back pain is a very common cause for visits to the doctor. It is estimated that about 31 million Americans suffer with some form of back pain. This can be caused by many everyday things, such as excessively working out, sitting or lying down for a prolonged amount of time, wearing an improperly fitted backpack, or sleeping in an unhealthy position.

Some more serious causes of low back pain can include:

  • Ruptured or bulging discs can become more likely with age. This occurs when the cartilage around the disc pushes against the spinal cord or nerves and extends outside of its normal position.
  • Skeletal issues, including scoliosis, can cause abnormal curvatures in the spine.
  • Arthritis or inflammation of the joints
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fibromyalgia or pain and tenderness in the joints, tendons, and muscles.
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Misaligned spine

Other conditions that could be associated with lower back pain include: pregnancy, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis or cancer.

Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments can help realign the lower back to help provide strength, support, and flexibility to the upper portion of the body. The main purpose of chiropractic care is not to cover up the pain, but to find the main cause and root of the pain to properly address and resolve it. Back pain is often covered up by medications, which only provides temporary relief. But the true source of the pain persists and the discomfort is then prolonged.

Whether the lower back pain is minor or much more severe, chiropractic care has proven to be a beneficial option for those looking to get back to everyday life more comfortably with less pain. It can provide patients with an effective way to alleviate some of the pain that is experienced.

How Does Chiropractic Care Work to Relieve Back Pain?

There are many signs and symptoms of lower back pain that can range from mild to debilitating. Usually, it is common for people to experience joint dysfunction, muscle spasms, leg numbness, or pins and needles. As well as pain throughout the entire body including the muscles, hips, or legs.

Some positive results of chiropractic care for chronic back pain conditions include:

  • Improvement to joints, muscles, and to the body’s overall health
  • Improved joint function
  • Improved mobility
  • Decreased degeneration of tissues and joints
  • Decreased swelling
  • Enhanced flexibility and strength of muscles
  • Rapid ability to recover
  • Improved nerve function
  • Increased circulation of blood flow
  • More successful and undisturbed sleep patterns

Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive pain relief option for many people looking for an alternative to prescription or over-the-counter pain medications. These adjustments will reduce joint pain and misalignments in the spine in an attempt to reduce inflammation and improve function of both the affected joint and nervous system.

If you or a loved one are suffering from low back pain and would like to find out if chiropractic care might be an effective pain relief option for you, call Rindal Clinic at (360) 424-1066, for a free health consultation.