When you’ve suffered a personal injury as the result of a car accident, sports mishap or workplace incident, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible to find a solution to your pain.
We offer chiropractic treatment that can help relieve pain from a wide range of injuries and regenerative treatments for more severe cases. Our treatments will address the underlying cause of your pain to provide you with real relief that lasts. Contact us today to set up a free consultation and get the process started.
How Can Our Personal Injury Doctor Help Get You Out of Pain?
Our personal injury doctor can help get you out of pain by targeting the underlying cause of your pain and then resolving that issue, instead if just focusing on the pain itself. Our personal injury treatments include chiropractic care and regenerative medicine.
Chiropractic adjustments will help to restore your body’s alignment and balance without the need for surgery or pain medication. It will relieve pressure on compressed nerves, reduce inflammation and improve your mobility and range of motion without any side effects or downtime. Many slip and fall type accidents result in misaligned vertebrae, pinched nerves and similar injuries, and chiropractic care can help.
Our regenerative treatments include cellular therapy and PRP, or platelet-rich plasma. We collect regenerative cells from a substance called Wharton’s Jelly that’s found in umbilical cords. This tissue is donated after scheduled C-sections and the youthful cells are filled with powerful healing components to repair and regenerate injured tissue.
PRP is a therapy that starts with a sample of your own blood that’s spun in a centrifuge. The resulting liquid contains highly concentrated platelets that will help facilitate healing in your body and resolve pain.